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Toolbx now offers built-in support for Arch Linux and Ubuntu

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… and why did it take so long for that to happen?

The year 2023 was a busy one in Toolbx land. We had two big releases, and one of the important things we did was to start offering built-in support for Arch Linux and Ubuntu.

What does that mean?

It means that if you have the latest Toolbx release, then a simple toolbox create on Arch Linux and Ubuntu hosts will create matching Toolbx containers, instead of a fallback Fedora container. If you are using some other host operating system, then you can get the same with:

$ toolbox create --distro arch
$ toolbox create --distro ubuntu --release 22.04

It also means that we will do our best to treat Arch Linux and Ubuntu on equal terms with Fedora and avoid regressions.

Now, that last sentence has a lot more to it than may seem at first. So, I am going to try to unwrap it to show why I think this one of the important things we did in 2023. You may find it interesting if you want the set of supported Linux distributions to expand further. You can also skip the details and go straight to the end to get the jist of it.

Why go beyond Fedora?

Even though Toolbx was created for the immediate needs of Fedora Silverblue, it has long since exceeded the bounds of Fedora and OSTree based operating systems. At the same time, Toolbx only had built-in support for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This disconnect led to a lot of people eagerly asking for better support for Linux distributions beyond the Fedora family.

From the outside, it looks like just a matter of putting together a Containerfile that layers on some extra content on top of a base image, and then publishing it on some OCI registry somewhere. However, it’s not that simple.

Why did it take so long?

Toolbx is a glue. Given an existing host operating system and a desired command line environment, it will create and set up an OCI container with the desired CLI environment that has seamless access to the user’s home directory, the Wayland and X11 sockets, networking (including Avahi), removable devices (like USB sticks), systemd journal, SSH agent, D-Bus, ulimits, /dev and the udev database, etc..

The closest analogy I can think of is libosinfo generating scripts to perform automated installations of various operating systems as virtual machines. Except, Toolbx containers aren’t expected to be as cleanly or formally separated from the host as VMs are, and the world of OCI containers is designed for deploying server-side applications and services, not for the persistent interactive use that Toolbx offers. This means that Toolbx has to carefully make each host OS version match the container, and make the container fit for interactive use. For example, libosinfo doesn’t have to worry about making the VM’s command line shell prompt and /etc/resolv.conf work with that of the host’s, nor does it have to convert the cloud image of an OS into a variant suited for a desktop or laptop.

This means that Toolbx has to very carefully set up the container to work with the particular host operating system version in use. For example, there can be subtle differences between running a Fedora 39 container on a Fedora 38 host and vice versa. If there are three different Fedora versions that we care about (such as Fedoras 38, 39 and 40), then that’s nine different combinations of container and host OSes to support. Sometimes, the number of relevant versions goes from three to four, and the number of combinations jumps to sixteen. Now, add Red Hat Enterprise Linux to the mix. Assuming that we only care about the latest point-releases (such as RHELs 8.9 and 9.3), we are now looking at twenty-five to thirty-six combinations. In reality, it’s a lot more, because we care about more than just the latest RHEL point-releases.

You can see where this is going.

With this addition of Arch Linux and Ubuntu, we have added at least seven new versions that we care about. That’s a total of approximately one hundred and fifty combinations!

I can assure you that this isn’t a theoretical concern. Here’s a bug about domain name resolution being completely broken in Toolbx containers for Fedoras 39 and 40 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 hosts.


So, to promise with a straight face that we will do our best to treat Arch Linux and Ubuntu on equal terms with Fedora and avoid regressions, we need to automate this. There’s no way a test matrix of this size can be tackled manually. Hence, tests.

However, it’s easier said than done, because it’s not just about having the tests. We also need to run them on as many different host operating system versions as possible. Unfortunately, most continuous integration systems out there either only offer containers, which are useless because Toolbx needs to be tested on the host OS, or they offer Ubuntu hosts. One exception is Software Factory, which runs an instance of Zuul CI, and offers Fedora and CentOS Stream hosts.

Currently, we have a test suite with more than three hundred tests that covers a good chunk of all supported OCI containers and images. All these tests are run separately on hosts representing all active Fedora versions, with subsets being run on CentOS Stream 9 and Ubuntu 22.04 hosts. We are working on ensuring that the entire test suite gets run on CentOS Stream 9 and Ubuntu 22.04, and are hoping to introduce CentOS Stream 8 and Ubuntu 24.04 hosts to the mix.

Plus, these aren’t just simple smoke tests. They don’t just create and start the containers, and check for a successful exit code. They comprehensively poke at various attributes of the containers’ runtime environment and error conditions to ensure that things really do work as advertised.

I think this is a pretty impressive set-up. It took time to build it, and it’s still not done, but I think it was worth it.

We have also been busy in Fedora, pushing the quality of the Toolbx stack up a notch, but that’s a topic for another post.

So, if you want to see built-in support for your favourite Linux distribution, then please help us by providing some test runners. Right now we could really use one for Arch Linux to maintain our existing support for it, and one for Debian because we want to include it in the near future.


Finally, since Toolbx is a glue, sometimes we need to drive changes into the Linux distributions that we claim to support. For example, changing the sysctl(8) configuration to make ping(8) work, fixes to the start-up scripts for Bash and Z shell, etc.. This means that we need maintainers who will own the work that’s specific to a particular Linux distribution. As a Fedora contributor, I can take care of Fedora, but I cannot sign up to take care of every single distribution that’s out there.

In that sense, I am delighted that we have a bunch of dedicated folks taking care of the Arch Linux and Ubuntu support. Namely, Morten Linderud for Arch Linux, and Andrej Shadura and Ievgen Popovych for Ubuntu.


Two things need to happen for us to add built-in support for a new Linux distribution.

First, we need test runners that let us run our upstream test suite on the host operating system, and not inside a container. Right now we could really use one for Arch Linux to maintain our existing support for it, and one for Debian because we want to include it in the near future.

Second, we need someone to step up to drive changes into the Linux distribution in question, and own the work that’s specific to it.

I am also going to add this to the Toolbx documentation, so that it’s easy to find in future.

Written by Debarshi Ray

20 January, 2024 at 04:28