Debarshi's den

Fedora Toolbox — under the hood

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A few months ago, we had a glimpse at Fedora Toolbox setting up a seamlessly integrated RPM based environment, complete with dnf, on Fedora Silverblue. But isn’t dnf considered a persona non grata on Silverblue? How is this any different from using the existing Fedora Workstation then? What’s going on here?

Today we shall look under the covers to answer some of these questions.

The problem

The immutable nature of Silverblue makes it difficult to install arbitrary RPMs on the operating system. It’s designed to install graphical applications as Flatpaks, and that’s it. This has many advantages. For example, robust upgrades.

However, there are legitimate cases when one does want to install some random RPMs. For example, when you need things like *-devel packages, documentation, GCC, gofmt, strace, valgrind or whatever else is necessary for your development workflow. While rpm-ostree does offer a way around this, it’s painful to have to reboot every time you change the set of packages on the system, and it negates the advantages of immutability in the first place.


By this time some of you are surely thinking that containers ought to solve this somehow; and you’d be right. Fedora Toolbox uses containers to set up an elaborate chroot-like environment that’s separate from the immutable OSTree based operating system.

And once you are down to containers, Docker isn’t far away — surely this can be hacked together with Docker; and you’d be right again. Almost. You can hack it up with Docker but it wouldn’t be ideal.

The problem with Docker is that it requires root privileges. Every time you invoke the docker command, it has to be prefixed with sudo or be run as root. That’s fine if you all you want is a place to install some RPMs. It would’ve required root anyway. However, it’s annoying if you want GNOME Terminal to default to running a shell inside your RPM based development environment. You’d have to enter the root password to even get to an unprivileged shell prompt.

So, instead of using Docker, Fedora Toolbox uses something called Podman. Podman is a fully-featured container engine that aims to be a drop-in replacement for Docker. Thanks to the Open Container Initiative (or OCI) standardizing the interfaces to Docker images and runtimes, every OCI container and image can be used with either Docker or Podman.

The good thing about Podman is that can be used rootless — that is, without root privileges. So, that’s great.

Containers are weird, though

Containers are pretty widely popular these days, but not everybody who is transitioning from the current RPM based Fedora Workstation to Silverblue can be expected to set things up from first principles using nothing but the podman command line. It will surely increase the cognitive load of undergoing the transition, hindering Silverblue adoption.

Even if someone familiar with the technology is able to set things up, pitfalls abound. For example, why is the display server not working, why is the SSH agent not working, why are OpenGL and Vulkan programs not working, or why is sshfs not working, or why LLVM and LibreOffice are failing to build, etc..

Let’s be honest. The number of people who understand both container technology and the workings of a modern graphical operating system well enough to sort these problems in a jiffy is vanishingly small. I know that at least I don’t belong to that group.

Container images are optimized for non-interactive use and size, whereas we are talking about the interactive shell running in your virtual terminal emulator. For example the fedora OCI image comes with the coreutils-single RPM, which doesn’t have the same user experience as the coreutils package that we are all familiar with.

So, it’s clear that we need a pre-configured, and at times, opinionated, solution on top of Podman.

The solution

Fedora Toolbox starts with the similarly named fedora-toolbox OCI image hosted on the Fedora Container Registry. There’s one for every Fedora branch. Currently those are Fedoras 28, 29 and 30. These images are based on the fedora image, with an altered package set to offer an interactive user experience that’s similar to the one on Silverblue.

When you invoke the fedora-toolbox create command, it pulls the image from the registry, and then tailors it to the local user. It creates a user with a UID matching $UID, a home directory matching $HOME and the right group memberships; and it ensures that various bits and pieces from the host, such as the home directory, the display server, the D-Bus instances, various pieces of hardware, etc. are available inside the container. These customizations are saved as another image named fedora-toolbox-user. Finally, an OCI container, also named fedora-toolbox-user, is created out of this image.

If you are curious, run podman images and podman ps –all to verify the above.

Once the toolbox container has been created, subsequent fedora-toolbox enter commands execute the users preferred shell inside it, giving the impression of being in an alternate RPM flavoured reality on a Silverblue system.

If you are still curious, then open /usr/bin/fedora-toolbox and have a peek. It’s just a shell script, after all.

Written by Debarshi Ray

21 January, 2019 at 21:20

2 Responses

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  1. Do graphical apps installed within a Toolbox container work?


    9 May, 2019 at 21:33

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